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This title represents the roles of God and the implications toward the saints made by John. This letter was to set truthful things straight then, from a radical heretical assault on the church by corrupted church leaders. The Apostle John was met with false teaching, a politically correct revisionism that denied that Jesus actually came in the flesh, and denied He did actually atone for our sins. It appears Satan didn't waste any time infiltrating the church, falsifying factors, denying people direct access to God, to keep them under legal bondage.
First John was reported to rebuke Satan and His lies of Gnosticism and Docetism. Of course Satan tried to go after the two most important factors that Jesus accomplished;
1. virgin birth perfection to carry His Fathers blood that qualified Him for atonement
2. atonement that reconciled all humanity directly to God, breaking Satan's power
How do you prove the truth? By an eyewitness verbal and written report for all to see, read, and to then really know the truth. Judging from John's work here, Jesus had John stepping up and countering the satanic strategy being used within the church at that time.
John also addresses some other interesting factors;
This report was designed to facilitate growth toward overcoming and doing the natural and supernatural works of God. It's not meant for casual entertainment reading. I hope this process is immediately accretive, and adds benefits to you. I’ve witnessed that there are many “scores” that need to be settled within our heart, which can only be reached and settled by Holy Spirit, and by our intentional effort to slowly meditate on His truth. This time of meditation truly has the ability to marinate deeply into our mind and spirit, to relieve us of any blockages and help us grow, if and when we are attentive with application. Even though we are Brand New Creations in Christ, as saints, regeneration is the effort exerted to mortify carnality and edify our divine nature.
The identification and relief of any blockages to help us grow in God may be the best value to receive and activate. We all have issues and we all could benefit from this information, if we are ready.
It would be nice if we could become regenerated emotionally and intellectually upon our salvation confession.
Our spirit is made perfect, qualifying us for eternal life, but our mind and emotions need serious help for many of us. Being that God is Love, Light, and Life, and that every saint is “in Him”, you’d think an easier transition would apply, but the Bible talks about regeneration because it requires intentional effort, just like our work, school, relationships, etc. As we apply John’s teachings, there is an impact on ourself, family, associates, as well as the rest of our sphere of influence.
Our regeneration is from Jesus’ righteousness and our effort to read, recognize, and decide to activate these concepts John is teaching. The practical expression of love results in assurance before God and answered prayers because the believer is walking in God's ways to believe in Christ and love one another. If and when we choose love, forgiveness, mercy, non-judgement, we’re operating in kingdom dynamics and operating at one with God. He notices and answers. It has been reported widely that for new knowledge to take effect, multiple impressions, repeated review and meditation are required. First review of data has 10% retention, second review can earn 30% retention and a third review can earn up to 80% retention. Note that God's fourth pillar of Divine Nature is perseverance; “and in your self-control, perseverance”. (2 Peter 1:6)
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Jesus made it important to visit His own brother, even from Heaven, to impress upon James to supply this level of intelligence to His body. So I'm thinking this is very important for me to know about it as well.
James sends this report to exhort and encourage believers on issues that really need sorting out to enhance their ability to succeed, and stop being deceived. James wants Christians to become aware of these issues and mature in real truth, and to build an unwavering backbone to succeed.
James has taken on the task of dealing with some very important unsavory issues that Jesus wanted reported to the church. Take a look at them below:
1. All oppressors are marked by God
2. Idolization of earthly treasure is in vain
3. Real reasons for war and division
4. Necessity of a heartfelt confession
5. The temptation-to-death cycle
6. What reveals pure deception?
7. What may expose an ineffectual salvation?
8. Pandering, profiling, partiality, judgment
9. Bad deeds / good deeds dynamics
10. God meant for humanity to overcome sin
11. Answers vs. denial of prayer requests
12. Doer of Word accurate identification
13. Real retirement is true salvation
14. God’s most valued goals for His children
15. Root vs. fruit identification (Faith vs. works)
16. Jesus’ expectations of His followers
17. Strong vs. weak character
18. The most effective of all reactions
19. All Christians are expected to intervene
20. How my thoughts and words affect my life
I was surprised at the depth of impact James has made on these subjects. He also distinguished the terms doer and doing, in order for saints to acknowledge and activate these, to help fulfill their destiny.
Matthew Henry Commentary Introduction
This epistle of James is one of the most instructive writings in the New Testament. Being chiefly directed against particular errors at that time brought in among the Jewish Christians, it does not contain the same full doctrinal statements as the other epistles, but it presents an admirable summary of the practical duties of all believers. The leading truths of Christianity are set forth throughout; and on attentive consideration, it will be found entirely to agree with St. Paul's statements concerning grace and justification, while it abounds with earnest exhortations to the patience of hope and obedience of faith and love, interspersed with warnings, reproofs, and encouragements, according to the characters addressed. The truths laid down are very serious and necessary to be maintained; and the rules for practice ought to be observed in all times. In Christ there are no dead and sapless branches, faith is not an idle grace; wherever it is, it brings forth fruit in works.
There are many potholes to get stuck in that we really want to avoid in life. Also there are black holes that cause real bad behavior and choices that have swallowed up complete cultures. If this Book of James is able to expose information that helps our awareness and to help us to make better decisions it will positively impact us and your families.
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This is what the early church used, along with Matthew, Mark, Luke, John, Paul. Peter, and James writings to build Jesus' church. This has been validated and may be worth the time to review what the early church values were base on.
The Teaching of the Twelve Apostles, is a brief ten page early Christian document, dating back to the first century. The text has three main sections dealing with ethics, practices, and the church organization.
There are several interesting features of this manual of instruction. One is an overriding concern with the practice of alms, gift giving, and the support of dependents, itinerant teachers, and others who may ask for a handout. Generosity was obviously thought to be a prime Christian virtue, but in practice one had to be careful, for others could easily take advantage of the Christian. This was especially the case with "false" prophets who showed up and wanted the congregation to feed them. The instruction was not to "receive" any prophet who asked for food or money while speaking "in a spirit" (Did. 11:12), and not to allow any "true" prophet (who did not do that) to stay longer than two or three days unless he was willing to settle down, learn a craft, and "work for his bread" (Did. 12:2-5). It is obvious that the Didache was written with resident congregations in mind and that their overseers and deacons had grown weary of the hype and hoopla characteristic of an earlier period of itinerant teachers and preachers. The pattern of congregational life over which they presided was sufficient. They had gotten together and agreed upon the practices, prayers, and rituals that defined the Christian way.
“If we build God a house of devotion, He will build us a house of ministry.” Walter Beuttler
Walter was born in Germany in 1904. He immigrated to the U.S. in 1925. In 1931 he graduated from Central Bible Institute. He served on the faculty at Eastern Bible Institute from 1939-1972. During a campus revival in 1951, God called Walter to "go teach all nations," and for 22 years he travelled around the world ministering the word of God. He retired in Shaverton, PA with his wife Elizabeth. There he continued his ministry until he went to be with the Lord in 1974.
Walter reports that after many years HE REALIZED that he knew a lot about God, but he didn't really know God. This story is about how he connected with God, what happened after He got to know Him, and how his life changed. His story is very interesting, open and transparent. It’s not a quick read and may require time and effort. I have found it to be very revelatory and helpful regarding how Holy Spirit can relate to us individually.
I found this book, as it is, in my inbox many years ago and finally read it. I don’t know who it came from. I’ve asked many and nobody knows. I’ve been very grateful since I read it. Now I’m forwarding it to anyone hungry enough to abide at this level.
Walter went beyond seeking God for God’s blessings and sought God for Himself. He had a face-to-face personal relationship where he could have a two way conversation with God, was tutored with interesting teachings and was personally directed and empowered. This testimonial is how God engages us personally when we WAIT ON GOD.
I've always been very intrigued with those who actually connect with the manifest presence of God. In a day when there is too much pontification and not enough real experiential, it is refreshing to see how others have succeeded. This testimony can help us want-to-be disciples mature. This report may have been divinely produced to help us understand more of God.
After reading the book I'm inviting you to review my one pager that could be a friendly reminder and an encouragement to help us get closer to God. See it below or click here to see pdf version.
Right now there is only one book available by Dave Roberson, but it is a book used by God to transform believers' lives in extraordinary ways. If you want your life to change or if you just want to increase your understanding about this phenomenon of praying in tongues, read 'The Walk of the Spirit - The Walk of Power.' Media can either be streamed or downloaded to your computer, click here to find out more. Some items are also available on CD and DVD formats at our online store. Link to foreign translations: http://www.daveroberson.org/books.aspx
Personal Revelation & Observation
In meditation I was asking and driving for a breakthrough for someone who’d asked for prayer. I asked about the potential blockage and I was immediately brought to the Seabiscuit movie seen described below.
There is a part in the movie “Seabiscuit” where the trainer recognizes that the horse has been through way too many “trainings” that he forgot his way. Seabiscuit forgot how to act like a horse! So the trainer took him off the track and sent him out into pasture for his natural inclinations to reaffirm themselves. You might say he was recalibrated and revived!
Likewise we Christians have been so prodded, churified, and over-stimulated from one denomination to another, from one course or book to another, that we’ve forgotten how to be that child of God we’re supposed to be when entering into Jesus. Sinners have been blocked by their rejection of Jesus’ gospel. Many church members have blocked themselves due to denying Holy Spirit’s gifts and presence. Both are struggling with their potential identity in God.
We’ve sought revival through many church functions, and even hired “Revivalists”. Now do you think you can “schedule” Holy Spirit (especially without entering in ourselves)? We’ve found some revival and restoration at Toronto, Pensacola, Lakeland, and others, that has been able to reestablish God’s childlike faith within us, however not everybody was able to make it to these (or other events). God sent Holy Spirit to indwell, infill, and revive us, to reestablish us in His freedom and faith.
Praying in tongues does introduce us to a deeper level of mortification (breaking blockages) and edification (establishing peace and innocence). This is relevant because this is an official Holy Spirit gift to bring revival corporately and individually. It is one of the few gifts that we can proactively initiate upon our own discretion too! It will recalibrate us to who we are as Christians (children of God). How does this work? That is what the book covers, and more.
One More Observation
The first time I saw the manifestation of tongues was when I was baptized in Holy Spirit and began experiencing this gift almost 30 years ago. Up until this time I had my own reservations on this gift due to the warnings of people who steered believers away from it. Since then I've witnessed tongues in public meetings being dramatized with a lot "flair"! I began to look dimly at this until I was instructed by Holy Spirit that He was doing something within them to free them up from their issues, even though some might seem to act like they have a mental disorder. He let me know that it was His call to allow this, and it wasn't my place to judge any of this. Most of the things of the world don't happen within our personal comfort zone, and neither do heavenly things. Don't be offended by tongues, prophesy, healing, or the crazies manifesting their gyrations. It's much deeper than we think.
My take on tongues is that it is FOR INTERNAL PURPOSES ONLY (FIPO). When we combine trusting in God, waiting on God, submitting to God, by praying in our native language and praying in tongues, it is private, personal, and it mortifies our flesh and edifies our spirit, FIPO. I think it is just another form of sanctification, but maybe deeper. Tongues is a legitimate gift from God, and it is not from the devil, as some would infer (btw, that borders on blaspheme). Vilifying Gods gifts isn't endearing to Him . Holy Spirit has always been very gentle with me and every person He has activated this gift with. Trust Him! I've reported many of these manifestations in Experiential Testimonials.
By understanding how the different interpretations and gifts work, we can make an informed decision about how we would like to proceed in both study and deploying and engaging ministry assignments. You may want to know what will best suit you, your taste, and preferences.
By learning these revelations Dave reports, we’ll be more informed to make better decisions. I think that is why God had Dave write the book.
The Choice Is Always Yours - Page 144
Now, of course, the choice is yours. You don't have to pray in tongues at all. God loves you, accepts you, and will do all He can for you at whatever level of Christianity you may be.
But if you want to draw closer to God — if you want to put to death the fears, uncertainties, bad habits, pressures, and cares that stand between you and a closer walk with God — then praying in tongues is a precious gift to take advantage of. It is a spiritual key that will bring you rest and refreshing, unlock divine mysteries, and build you up higher in God.
Inward Transformation Before Outward Change - Page 113
Many people make the same mistake as that man did. They pray in tongues, looking for their outward circumstances to suddenly change. But they miss where the supernatural transformation actually takes place — in their spirit. And too often they give up before God can finish working in them the most important changes of all. They look for the spectacular but miss the miraculous.
Remember, praying in tongues is like any other prayer — it is designed to be answered! But because it is our human spirit doing the praying (1 Cor. 14:14), it is also our spirit man receiving the answer to our prayers.
Benefits of Transformation - Page 113
Something happens to his insight into the Word. Scriptures he never understood before come alive. In casual conversation with his friends, he can suddenly explain verses that used to be a mystery to him. When people come to him with their problems, he wonders, Why don't they do this and this? because it all seems so clear to him.
The Cart Before The Horse - Page 116
But those folks had the cart before the horse! The Bible says it is through the Spirit that you mortify the deeds of the body.
But I found out that mortification through the power of the Holy Spirit goes for the root, and then the bad fruit just falls off. I can't tell you the exact time that the pipe and the tobacco just fell off my “tree.” All I know for sure is that once my reborn human spirit had been built up sufficiently by the Holy Spirit, it struck the root, and the bad fruit dried up and fell off the limb for good. It beat anything I had ever seen!
There had to be a way to release Him on the inside of me. Page 103
I finally came to the conclusion that even though I was a cloud with water — even though I had been filled with the Holy Spirit — there still must be something I had to do to walk in God's power. Just having the Holy Spirit wasn't enough. There had to be a way to release Him on the inside of me. There had to be a way to get all that Holy Ghost power out of my spirit and onto the problems that needed to be overcome.
What would happen if you really believed this? - Page 105
To know that you should pray in tongues isn't enough. If you really believed it edifies you and qualifies you to fulfill God's call on your life — the very thing you desire most in your heart — no one could keep you out of your prayer closet!
Purging and Mortification - Page 109
People are looking for help to change. Most have character flaws they don't like in them-selves, but they don't have any idea what to do to get rid of those flaws.
So these people keep on plugging away in a religious system that demands more and more out of them so that new buildings can be built and new programs can be started. Finally, spiritual exhaustion sets in, and they give up the fight. They resign themselves to always remaining the way they are and view God as the head of organizationalism. Assuming that their relationship with God is based on their relationship with an organization, they are left faithless and frustrated.
But God never intended for us to live futile lives of frustration. That's why He gave us the Holy Spirit — to reveal the mysteries of Christ in us and to perfect change. So let's take a closer look at the ministry of the Holy Spirit on the inside of us. Let's see how, through the edification process, He takes us from where we are into everything He said we could be.
The Purging Process - Page 110
The purging process may not always be fun, but it is always necessary, because one way or another, we will be purged. We can choose to have all of our shortcomings and faults pruned away now. Or we can wait until the Day of the Judgment Seat of Christ when our works will be tried as by fire (1 Cor. 3:12-15). On that day, all of our fleshly works that we failed to mortify in this life will be purged for us.
Impasse Issues
Overcoming Impasses In Prayer - Page 129
Impasse Causing Attitude - Page 131
The Ugly Side of Our Own Character - Page 149
The Kingpin of Impasse - Pages 141-143
Faith - Prosperity - Answers
Faith to Receive & to Mortify - Page 132
Prosperity in Perspective - Page 134
When is it that effective prayer gets answered? - Page 135
Spiritual Activity Benefits, Liabilities & Impact - Page 148
Anointing & Power
The Anointing Within: Inoculation Against Deception - Page 92
Is there a missing ingredient most believers are unaware of? Page 100
What is needed for God's power to operate in our lives? Page 100
Persevere for power - Page 105
What is the key to power? - Page 105
The Walk of the Spirit - The Walk of Power - The Vital Role of Praying in Tongues.
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