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England's Magna Carta ‘Great Charter of Freedoms' (considered one of the most important legal documents in the history of democracy), and the colonist's Declaration of Independence gave birth to political movements of historical magnitude. Jesus' Sermon on the Mount or Declaration of Kingdom Doctrines gave birth to a Spiritual movement with humanitarian and eternal significance. The importance of the Magna Carta and the Declaration of Independence are self-evident, however Jesus’ declarations carry far weightier personal, civic, and corporate significance.
Jesus teachings are sacred, but more than that, they are extremely interesting to see what He had to say, and how He addressed policy. His Sermon on the Mount has significant ramifications on many issues. I loved the revelation He delivers. As a son, heir, and adopted child of God, I am studying these things and sharing them, with many cross references, to help increase the enlightenment Jesus delivered to mankind.
What if you knew that your individual loyalty to God carried significant financial benefits? God does take care of His children. He favors and influences people that can impact each of us. So if you knew this to be true, would you shift your attention toward leveraging that?
In the world, effectiveness is everything, but sincerity is almost insignificant. In the kingdom sincerity and loyalty are the top ultimate Godliness qualities and effectiveness isn't as important. God really doesn’t need for us to be so effective, as He wants our attention, our unity and conformity to relay His agenda through our own personality. Once we understand and begin a more transparent relationship with God, His impact ensues.
Operating from new benchmarks takes time, awareness and activation to overcome issues and crossover thresholds. Theses declarations offer significant intelligence that will bring peace for an eternal future in Christ and will also bring the favor of God upon our current life. Knowing that we have already passed out of death and into life, we see that salvation is THE MAJOR lifetime transition.
When our earthly life concludes the roots of that salvation continue to carry our divine nature into heavenly eternity. However, while we are still on earth:
Jesus' teachings offer the guidance, knowledge, and understanding needed to succeed in this journey.
Fundamentals are always primary. A student can't learn algebra before they learn math. These are important, or Jesus wouldn't have taught them initially. The reason so many fall, fail, and become retarded to spiritual maturity is that they never took into account these basics.
In everything lack of knowledge and truth can and does obstruct clarity and misdirect us away from successful profits and benefits!
Jesus even explains in item #25, 7:24-27 the difference between those who are wise and those who are foolish. It's remarkable how few pay attention. If more did, every civil citizenry would be more unified, with more of a heavenly standard, less problematic, smaller government, and much more solvent.
Longterm, this is the best investment we can make! A very quick analysis of how this will affect me is in two areas. The first is item #24. I just don't want to hear “Depart from me”. I am willing to make it a priority to avoid that. I'd much rather hear “welcome good and faithful servant”.
The other issues that effects me are items #21-23, which give clear boundaries, guidance, and projections. Nobody can say Jesus didn't clearly identify these! Saying I didn't know is futile. As the old saying goes, being for-warned is being for-armed! These effect me today, tomorrow, & forever. Jesus already laid the groundwork for everyone to enter in and prosper. It is possible for everyone to receive God’s favor and abundant life here on earth. Review the Table of Contents below and see for yourself what Jesus brought from heaven.
Personal intimacy in prayer (heart-to-heart) is the goal. Our Father loves us and wants us to get to know Him. Do young lovers get to know each other in the busyness of crowded markets and stadiums? Don’t they steal away to be alone? Like lovers, we need to go into our inner room, shut the door and be alone. It is hear where we become acquainted with, trust in and build a relationship with God, as we wait on Him, talk and listen, journal, and document solutions, directions, and answers.
Judging poisons the judge, not those being judged. Jesus warns us again, this time about judging. First don’t do it because it weighs you down and is counter-productive. Second you only see things from your perspective and God sees things clearly. Rely on God and don’t bind yourself up in judgment. After you are cleared to help by Holy Spirit, then you can, in love, and being led by Him, help another. This is where miracles, signs and wonders manifest (because we're unified with God). Discerning right and wrong are still practiced but without pointing the finger and orally assaulting each other. Whatever we do, it gets measured back to us, as we metered it out. Ouch!
Has Jesus Already Fulfilled The Law And Made It Obsolete For Saints ?
This is a most important subject for Christians to get their bearings on their new life in Christ. Jesus fulfilled the laws intention completely and perfectly as he validated the teachings of the prophets foretold by Jer 31:31-34 and Ez 11:19-20. In the report scriptures introduce factors to support the claims made on the graphic.
The law continues to stand today for two very important reasons, to convict mankind of sins (showing he needs a savior, Gal 3:19) and to lead us to Christ (so we get saved Gal 3:23-25). Jesus states He did not come to abolish (remove) the law, but to fulfill it.
Jesus has declared he came to fulfill the law and he completed that, and His fulfillment did make the levitical ceremonial law obsolete for Christians because Jesus is the end of the law and the beginning of grace. Paul amplifies this by further declaration that Jesus is the end of the law (Rom 10:4). See report for more details.
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